Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Tom King Batman, New comics

New comics!

Captain Marvel 1-5

Going back and getting the issues I missed the first time around.  Kelly Thompson really has a thing for dystopian-type worlds.  This one isn’t an alternate future like the one she’ll visit two years later, but it’s one where an all-female, depowered guerilla group fights a misogynistic asshole.  It’s lots of fun, really establishes Carol as a leader, and sets up her support group with Spider-Woman and Hazmat.  Carmen Carnero, whose name I don’t recognize (apparently she did two issues of Astro City that I own), is a great fit for this title on art.

Batman 58-60

Batman: Secret Files 1

Batman Annual 3

Just read my original review.  Here’s some art to go with it:

No way he doesn't just use a ladder.

Hate this, it's just a cheap shock tactic by Tom King.


Super aww.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes (No for Secret Files)

Would read again: Yes 

Rating: Nice (Batman), Didn’t suck (Secret Files), Really good (Annual)

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