Saturday, June 12, 2021

Batman and Robin, Snyder/Capullo Batman

Batman and Robin 1-5

The first three issues are drawn by Frank Quitely.  The last two are not.  (They’re by Phillip Tan)  That’s the difference between keeping and cutting these Grant Morrison-written issues.  

Let’s focus on Quitely’s drawn sound effects today:

"Crime is doomed" is such a Morrison/Ellis/Millar thing to say.

This is SO gross.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes (No for 4-5)

Rating: Nice (Didn’t suck for 4-5)

Batman 1-8

The Scott Snyder/Greg Capullo New 52 run.  I don’t have many good memories of this one, but the re-read is captivating.  The Court of Owls is an excellent adversary for Batman, and though it gets a bit trippy while he’s wandering through their labyrinth, I really want to find out how this ends.  This is where I stopped buying last time around (before returning five issues later for Death of the Family), but I’m pretty sure I’m going to fill in the missing four issues this week.

Greg Capullo is so good.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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