Saturday, June 19, 2021

Batman: Halloween Special, New Comics

So many new comics!  It’s a day for Toms, with three Taylor and two King issues to start:

Nightwing 81

The combination of lovely art by Bruno Redondo and wonderful writing by Tom Taylor continues.  This will be a delight to reread.

Babs is wearing the Slap Shirt!!!  How do the two Robins feel about it?

Batman: The Detective 3

The history of Bruce Wayne and his relationship with Henri Ducard.  Nothing particularly interesting, I hope there’s a point to it when all of this is done.

Seven Secrets 9

This really needs to be read all at once.  There are just too many characters and each issue doesn’t stand on its own.  (It’s the opposite of Rorschach…)

Rorschach 9

...Which continues to entertain despite me having no clue of how it all fits together.  This’ll be a fun re-read as well, as are most King stories.

Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow 1

This is the most straightforward, linear story Tom King may have ever told, which doesn’t diminish its quality in any way.  Artist Bilquis Evely gives off major Kevin O’Neill vibes in a good way.  Looking forward to the rest of this.  

Batman: Halloween Special 1-3

The Tim Sale/Jeph Loeb stories that started it all.  (Actually, I’m wrong.  They did Challengers of the Unknown before this.)  The first two stories, with Scarecrow and Mad Hatter, are pretty sweet.  The last one is a disappointing, uninspired Christmas Carol riff that brings nothing original to the table.  

I always got so mad whenever my mom said the Batman logo looked like baby teeth. I guess she wasn't the only one.

There's something old school about running along the gears.

Great pose.


This reminds me of Heath Ledger's laugh.

Love how he draws the teeth.

This is all an appetizer for the
Long Halloween to come.  Can’t wait for tomorrow.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good (Nice for the last one)

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