Friday, June 18, 2021

All Star Batman and Robin, Tim Sale Batman

All Star Batman and Robin 1-10

This is so freaking fun.  I totally get the hate directed at it, this is really like no Batman I’ve ever read before; This is the Goddamn Batman.  This is Sin City starring Bruce Wayne, as melodramatic, vicious, and toxically masculine as any of Frank Miller’s other black and white protagonists.  

I’m all on board.  I’m all in for the verbose, hard boiled inner monologues, the sexually objectified women, the Caped Crusader who has no problem killing bad guys.  It’s so far from what’s acceptable today, but Miller is so unapologetic about it, and so good at it, that I’m happy to sit back and enjoy the ride.  

Plus, this may be Jim Lee’s DC apex.  It’s stunning, even by his standards.  Prepare to see a lot of art.

The Graysons getting shot is the one change I totally disagree with.

Jim Lee draws excellent cheesecake.

And there it is.  Two words side-by-side that became a phenomenon.

Nice character analysis.

Cheesecake part two.  I'm not even including Lee's Diana.

Completely reminded me of...


If you're going to have Jim Lee draw a 6-page splash, why waste it on this???

Love the idea of Batman piping music into the cave.

Sin City monologue example number one.

Alfred got jacked.

Yet another awesome Batgirl design.

Miller's totally leaning into it by now.

Breathtaking cityscape.  Gorgeous colors by Alex Sinclair.

Nazi Boob Lady is back!

Sin City monologue example number two.

The release schedule for this was downright embarrassing (10 issues in 4 years), but after reading it all in one go, with no waiting in between, I just want more.  I want more of this dysfunctional, fucked up world where the Batman is a bully and a total dick to...Dick.  Where Alfred is ripped and Black Canary has an Irish accent.  I want more, and I’m sad that I’m not going to get it.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

Saw this in a house ad. Wraithborn by Joe Benitez. It looks so generically Image, but I still totally dig the character design.

Showcase ‘94 3-4

Batman: Shadow of the Bat 7-9

These stories are part of the Tales of the Batman trade collecting Tim Sale’s not-Halloween Batman issues.  (The other issues I’ve already reviewed in other places.)  Coincidentally, both of these arcs are written by Alan Grant.  Not as coincidentally, neither is good enough to merit keeping, and as I already own the excellent Blades story and Sale’s Solo issues, I can cut this with no hesitation.  (Though it’s a bit of a shame, as this is a really nice hardcover.  Got it for half price as Rasputin’s.)

A few more details.  In the first story, the Arkham inmates play baseball against the Blackgate prisoners.  It’s lame, and Jeremiah Arkham is an idiot.  In the second, Batman fights some D-list villains.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Didn’t Suck, Fine for the second arc.

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