Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Bruce Wayne: Fugitive, Supreme: Blue Rose

Detective Comics 768-775

Batman: Gotham Knights 27-28, 31

Batman 600-607

Birds of Prey 41, 43

Batgirl 27, 29

Nightwing 68-69

Bruce Wayne: Fugitive.  I hate these crossovers with issues that only touch on the main plot for a few pages.  I’m cutting Birds of Prey and Gotham Knights 28 as complete wastes of time.  (I’m also going back and cutting BOP and Robin from the last Murderer arc for the same reason.)  Detective also takes a plunge in quality with a lame Triad drug gang story with some mutated guy with wings.  I’d totally cut it if Josie Mac wasn’t the backup story.  

Things get a little better towards the end of the arc as things come into focus and the team finally figures out who the real murderer is.  It all ends rather anticlimactically, and the Sasha Bordeaux wrap up is a let down as well.  (I never bought that either of them was in love with the other.)  

At the end of the day, neither the Rucka or Brubaker runs are as good as I remember.  It’s okay, they’re about to move on to Gotham Central.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes (Except for the ones I’m cutting)

Rating: Anywhere between Didn’t suck and Nice.  (Boring/Disliked for the ones I cut)

Supreme: Blue Rose 6-7

I’ve been sitting on the trade since my old comic shop closed down at the beginning of the pandemic.  (I bought it on the cheap.)  Now I can see how the cryptic but alluring first five issues finish up.  

Wellllll...It’s still weird.  I still don’t really understand it.  But I still like it.  I definitely want to come back to this in another few years.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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