Monday, June 28, 2021

Tom King Batman, New comics

New comic!

Captain Marvel 29

Carol starts to question the morality of what she’s doing while fighting two giant sea monsters guarding a magic red pearl.  Not quite as good as the previous issues.

Batman 45-47

The concept is really good.  Time travel creates a “Man Who Has Everything” situation for Bruce Wayne where his parents never died, then more shenanigans keep that alternate world around for longer than expected.  It’s super clever.

If only it didn’t involve Booster Gold, the biggest waste of space in comics.  I hate him so much, especially when written by Tom King.  Booster Gold is King’s Achilles heel.  He’s the worst.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Disliked

Batman 48-50

So much of these issues doesn’t work for me - How Batman stays silent the whole time he fights Joker.  Joker’s speech patterns are just slightly off kilter, a bit too...sane.  Joker and Catwoman chatting like friends defies all belief.  Joker and Holly convincing Selina that a happy Batman is a worthless Batman just pisses me off the way Peter rejecting MJ at the end of the first Tobey Maguire Spider-Man pisses me off.

But there’s just as much that does work.  The conversation between Joker and Selina is Bendis-level riveting.  There are some great bits of romance between Bruce and Selina.  The Mikel Janin art amazes, and there are some damn fine pinups.  

Great even by Jim Lee standards.


I like that Mitch Gerads...

...Clay Mann...

...and Joelle Jones get to draw little epilogues to their stories.

Lee Weeks, effing gorgeous.

But most importantly, the pain of Selina’s sacrifice and Bruce’s heartache really comes through.  I feel the hurt.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Good

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