Sunday, June 20, 2021

Batman: Long Halloween, New comics

New comics!

Captain Marvel 17-21

Yeah, I’m going back and picking up the issues I’m missing.  Kelly Thompson makes this such a fun, breezy title while mixing in just enough introspection to give it some heft and keep it from floating away.  Here, she introduces us to Carol’s new half-sister, who’s hilarious in her “fish out of water but actually not because she’s perfectly capable and badass” ways.  Definitely going to pick up the first two trades in the series now.

Batman: Long Halloween 1-13

This classic (to me) series starts off great.  Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb nail the mood from the opening scene with its heavy Godfather influences and ominous atmosphere. 

But as it continues on, it never really adds anything of substance to the excellent tone.  There’s the gimmick of the monthly murders and some fun action sequences, but nothing that brings it all together into a satisfying narrative experience.  

This must have been an inspiration for this:

This amused me.

It's Father's Day IRL today.  So cute.

One of the better versions of this scene.

The final twist still packs a punch, especially if you read it with some Usual Suspects-type reveal music in your head.

But on the whole, it’s not as good as I remember it, at least on the writing side.  Sale still kills it.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

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