Sunday, September 30, 2018

Batman and Superman Adventures: World's Finest, Dark Claw Adventures, Angela

Batman and Superman Adventures: World’s Finest
Another movie adaptation.  The plot is replacement level, but the interactions are pretty sweet.  Superman uses his x-ray vision to determine Batman’s identity. Easy mode.  Batman returns the favor by planting a tracker on Superman’s cape and following him back to Clark’s apartment.  

Easy mode for Batman.

Even better, Bruce starts dating Lois Lane, and things get serious between them, prompting the requisite jealousy from Clark.  It’s a fun dynamic that I haven’t seen explored in the mainstream comics.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Fine

Dark Claw Adventures 1
This is from the second round of Amalgam Comics.  The pairings are obvious, but that doesn’t detract from the fun - Batman/Wolverine, Robin/Jubilee, Talia/Lady Deathstrike.  A nice one-shot, but I wouldn’t have bought any more.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

That’s it for the Batman Adventures box!  (It wasn’t a full box.) Let’s see how it tallied up.

Box Summary:
Time Spent Reading: 10 hours, 16 minutes
Issues Read: 83
Issues Cut: 4
Highlights (Good or better): Batgirl Adventures 1, Mad Love, Batman Adventures 20

Project Summary:
Time Spent Reading: 11 days 10 hours 28 minutes
Issues Read: 2217
Issues Cut: 283

Next up is Image Comics!  These are going to be fascinating.  I bought a lot of these, the early ones in particular, when I was in middle/high school.  My tastes have changed a lot in thirty years, and I really wonder if Spawn, Youngblood, and Cyberforce will be nearly as entertaining now as they were then.  Though I can say with relative certainty that even if they suck, I won’t be cutting them.

Angela 1-3
I would never have pegged Neil Gaiman as the writer if I didn’t see his name in the credits.  The uninspired plot: A jealous angel frames Angela for some stuff. She escapes with the help of Spawn, they fight a lot of stuff, and Angela clears her name, quitting heaven in the process.  The art’s by Greg Capullo, who I’ve always liked. But my god, the amount of cheesecake! There isn’t a butt shot that he won’t shove in the reader’s face.




Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

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