Thursday, September 20, 2018

Batman Adventures

Batman Adventures 21-30
Good clean comic book fun.  There’s not much to get into detail on, but there are a lot of little things that I liked.

Issue 22 - I’m a big fan of the cover, but I’m not sure why.  I like the distinct elements to each layer of depth: Batman in the front, Two-Face behind him, and the bank of monitors backstopping it all.  Mike Parobeck’s clean art makes each section pop.

Issue 23 - This is my favorite design for Poison Ivy.  Simple costume, solid colors, not supermodel skinny, plenty of lethal attitude.

None of this stick-thin, green-skinned, angular crap.

Issue 25 - Batman teams up with animated Superman!  This was a big deal for me when this first came out.  As with most team ups with these two, it’s their back and forth that makes the issue fun, not so much the adventure itself.  

Issue 26 - Kelley Puckett really knows when to throw in a Robin/Batgirl story to break up a string of Batman issues before they get too monotonous.  This one was a lot of fun. The MacGuffin pistols made me chuckle. Batgirl’s hair looks like it could provide excellent cushioning neck support during long plane rides.

The effort Puckett and Parobeck put into this throwaway gag is commendable.  It’s also something that I haven’t seen before or since, and the uniqueness impresses me.

Issue 30 - Like clockwork every ten issues, Mastermind, the Perfesser, and Mr Nice make their return, this time to present their origin stories.  Mr Nice’s doesn’t disappoint, and he remains as likable as ever.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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