Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Batman Adventures

Yep, this is the good stuff.  Something about Mike Parobeck’s art just clicks perfectly with Kelley Puckett’s scripts.  

A few of the highlights:
Issue 8 - Clayface misses out on a chance at true love, and to make the lost possibility all the more painful, Puckett ends the tale with a stab at poignancy.  It’s something that he aims for in a good number of these stories. He doesn’t always completely succeed, but I always appreciate the attempt, and he certainly nails it with this one.  

Issue 10 - The first appearance of Mr Nice, Mastermind, and the Perfesser!  Inspired by Archie Goodwin, Mike Carlin, and Denny O’Neil (three DC editors), this trio combine to form the best part of Batman Adventures.  Though if I’m being honest, it’s all about Mr Nice.  

Issue 13 - Another bittersweet love story, since that’s the only way Batman and Talia team ups ever end.  

Issue 18 - Parobeck draws Batgirl like a Vargas girl.  There's something specific about the posing and roundness of her figure that makes the comparison particularly apt.

Issue 20 - More Mr Nice!  And he’s thwarted by the most dastardly of nemeses:

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice.  Pure Joy for 20, Pretty good for 7,12,13,18

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