Monday, September 3, 2018

Transmetropolitan, Twilight Children

Transmetropolitan 1,4,5,6,21,25,26
Transmetropolitan is generally considered to be Warren Ellis’ magnum opus.  I could never get into it. I recognize the craft behind it, but it’s too much unfiltered Ellis for me.  Spider Jerusalem never reads likes anything more than an avatar for Ellis, a mouthpiece that allows him to spout out whatever he wants to rant about that month.  Not to say that it isn’t usually entertaining, but I always feel like someone’s been screaming right in my face after I’ve finished an issue. Reading the seven issues that I own in one sitting left me exhausted, and not in a good way.  

But there’s no doubt that Ellis created a legend with Spider.  The image of him lighting up is iconic of that era of comics.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

Twilight Children 1-4
I’ll buy anything by Darwyn Cooke.  This is the one time it’s bitten me in the ass.  Twilight Children is an absolute piece of garbage from a story point of view.  It starts off with an interesting enough mystery, but goes off the rails by the third issue and concludes with an incoherent mess of a finale. I blame Gilbert Hernandez for the writing.  Only Cooke’s art kept me from hating this miniseries. I would never have believed that I’d cut something by him from my collection, but I never want to put my brain through this again.  And as pretty as it is, Cooke’s done better stuff. This won’t be missed.

Regret buying: Yes
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Disliked (Cutting)

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