Thursday, September 6, 2018

Unfollow, Sugar

Sugar TPB 1
It looks like this run of alternative romance comics by the Sejic/Hawkins/Cheung collective has to have titles that start with ‘S’.  Not that it really matters. I was sold at “companion book to both Sunstone and Swing.”  After previous covering BSDM and swinging, this time around it’s the world of sugar daddies and babies.  

What I like about all of these titles is that at their core, they’re still romances.  Everything else is really no different from the hook in any other rom com - “Boy bets that he can transform the school nerd into prom queen.  Falling in love was never part of the plan.” “Girl agrees to be a divorcee’s girlfriend for 3000 dollars a month in order to pay for college.  Falling in love was never part of the plan.” It’s all the same. And these are good romances. The protagonists are realistic, the art is beautiful, and I hate that I have to wait until next summer to read the next trade.    

Unfollow 1-10
The premise is so promising: The dying inventor of Chirper (read: Twitter) randomly selects 140 characters to evenly divide his fortune upon his death.  Twist: If one of the beneficiaries dies, their inheritance is redistributed among the remaining survivors. Let the killings commence.

It started off strong, until the weird elements outweighed the interesting ones.  All the masked killers, delusional religious killers, and delusional cult leaders (okay, only one of each) drowned out the aspects that I wanted to read about - How would less insane people handle the situation?  Who would hide? Who would kill? Who would invest their money in mutual funds? I’ll never know. The series only lasted for 8 more issues, but I don’t care enough to find out what happens.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Fine (Cutting)

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