Monday, October 1, 2018

Authority: Scorched Earth, Authority: World's End, Bitch Planet, Black Magick

Authority: Scorched Earth
Authority was never the same after Ellis and Millar left, but I would still give it a try every once in a while.  This one-shot goes through all the right motions for most of the issue - the sun gains sentience and is about to go supernova.  Epic enough to capture the attention of the Authority, who do their best on damage control. It’s all by the numbers until they discover that the personality inhabiting the sun is their former Stormwatch teammate Winter, last seen flying Skywatch into the sun in WildCATS/Aliens.

It’s a twist I had completely forgotten, and I was pleased by the surprise.  I also didn’t expect the ending - the team imprisons Winter in the same tech that “cages the baby universe at the center of the Carrier.”  (A phrase that’s as overused in this title as “focused totality of my psychic powers” was over in Claremont’s X-Men.)  The pessimism of the ending is out of place with Authority.  It’s always been cynical, but ultimately positive in its ability to change the world for the better.  It’s not bad, just different.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Authority: World’s End 1-2
This was part of some bigger Wildstorm crossover that I didn’t care about.  It reads like a post-apocalyptic Elseworlds story, and I don’t know if it’s in canon or not.  It’s fine for that genre, but nothing more. As with Scorched Earth, the lack of any hope keeps it from matching the quality of the original Authority issues.  Also, it’s lacking the controlled insanity of Ellis or Millar’s brains.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

Bitch Planet 1-5
A fascinating examination of feminism in a dystopian future.  My ultimate feelings towards this series will depend on how it ends - Is it going to be a depressing 1984 ending, or will the women of Bitch Planet emerge triumphant?  I don’t want to know badly enough to buy anymore trades, but if I get the chance to borrow the rest of the issues, I will.  (Joining the company of DMZ and Unwritten.)

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

Black Magick 1-2
Nicola Scott is the star of this title.  Her art is flat out gorgeous. Rucka’s proven his ability to write excellent cop comics with Gotham Central, and this time around he’s combining it with Wiccan magic.  I don’t know why I stopped buying it, the first issues show a ton of promise.  I’ll have to look for more.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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