Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Waid/Kubert Ka-Zar, Mister Miracle, Pacific Rim 2

Pacific Rim Uprising
The reviews have been unkind to this movie, but I think that’s only because they generally liked the first one.  I, on the other hand, didn’t think as highly of del Toro’s original vision. I mean, I liked it and everything, but it doesn’t stand up after repeated viewings.  (Though there’s something to be said about the fact that I voluntarily watched it multiple times.)

Mako Mori is the best part of the first film, and for all the pageantry of Jaegers going toe-to-toe with kaiju, my favorite scene is her quarterstaff duel with Charlie Hunnam (whose character’s name I can’t even remember).  In the sequel, she’s ignominiously killed off, without even having the chance to pilot a Jaeger. Travesty.

She doesn't just deserve better.  She deserves everything!

The rest of the movie is the same as the first - Entertaining smash-up fights that destroy huge swaths of cities.  I don’t understand how this is any worse than Superman’s battle with Zod. I’m sure just as many people, if not more, died in the crossfire, despite the throwaway line that the city was evacuated.  (There’s just no way that was possible.) Not that I had a problem with that Metropolis fight, either.

And I hate Charlie Day’s character with the fire of a thousand suns.  Hated him in the first movie, hate him in this one. And he looks so much like JJ Abrams, whom I do not hate.  

Want to smack.

Don't want to smack.

Regret watching? No
Would watch again? Yes
Would buy? No
Rating: Nice

Mister Miracle 7
Last new comic of the week.
Nothing crazy happens this issue.  Big Barda gives birth while her insane family sits out in the waiting room.  Nine-panel grids the whole way. Mundane on the surface, but the feeling of dread that looms over the proceedings is absolutely oppressive.  When the tv static effect that’s been cropping up throughout the entire series starts showing up halfway through the issue, I almost couldn’t stand the tension.  Something bad was going to happen, I just knew it.  That nothing did just makes it worse, because the shoe has to drop at some point.  I can’t wait, in all meanings of the phrase.

Ka-Zar 1-6
I don’t know how Mark Waid made a Tarzan clone interesting to read about, but he completely succeeded.  In just six issues, he examines multiple facets of Kevin Plunder’s character - his love for his son, his martial prowess, his connection to Zabu, his struggle to reconcile his longing for technology with the lifestyle he’s promised to live with his wife, the marital issues it creates with Shanna, his antagonistic relationship with his brother, and and and.  That I could go on for even longer illustrates my point. And the comics are fun, to top it off. I had a blast reading this, and can’t wait to read the back half tomorrow.

This might be my favorite Andy Kubert series.  And let’s not forget Joe Rosas on colors, who deserves just as much credit.

3 pages in, and Kubert gives us our first insane action pose.  I love it.

Let's look a little more at Gregor, shall we?

It takes a while to decipher how he's exactly posing here, but it's suitably impressive.

How is this kick possible?  How?

And I love his splash pages.

This literally took my breath away when I turned the page to reveal it.

Everything good about Ka-Zar is in this picture.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Good

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