Sunday, March 4, 2018

Fantastic Four, New Avengers, New Avengers Annual

Fantastic Four 347-349
Art Adams forever!  In searching for some images, I got lost in the treasure trove of art that he’s done over the years.  Let’s stare as some of his Marvel work:

The story is fine.  It’s an excuse to get some popular solo Marvel heroes working together on the same team.  Hulk is suitably anti-social, Wolverine is only slightly less so, Spidey is socially awkward, and Ghost Rider doesn’t belong here at all.  He seems to show up only when Simonson or Adams remember that he’s part of the team, which isn’t that often.    

Though more importantly, it’s an excuse to get Art Adams drawing 3 issues of interior pages.  

Love that Adams never forgets just how short Logan is

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Pretty Good (entirely due to the art)

Fantastic Four 381
I bought this in high school, back when I thought that something touted as the death of Mr Fantastic would a) stay permanent, b) increase in monetary value, and c) be a fun story.

So I went 0 for 3 on that one.  But I retain enough of a sense of nostalgia for it that I’d read it again if it somehow come up again.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Didn’t suck

New Avengers 16-20, Annual 1
I like that I have these to read when I need a break from what’s currently in the box.  

Issue 16 is particularly good.  A new threat is on the loose, making its way across the North American continent.  Bendis chooses to tell it from Maria Hill’s point of view on the Helicarrier, eschewing most of the action.  It lets him focus on the SHIELD responses and failures, and he uses them to effectively build up the tension until there’s no choice but to call for the Avengers.  This is what I look for when I read Bendis.  

Mike Deodato’s pencils in issues 17-20 are wasted with Joe Pimentel’s inks.  Deodato’s work can look so much better.
Can't tell it's Deodato under the Pimentel inks.

So much better when he inks himself.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes (No for the annual.  Sadly, Luke and Jessica’s engagement/wedding is rubbish.)
Rating: Fine (Pretty good for issue 16)

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