Saturday, March 31, 2018

Dark Reign: Hawkeye, New Avengers: Reunion

Dark Reign: Hawkeye 1-5
I like the concept of this miniseries more than the execution.  Bullseye goes on a solo adventure during his tenure on the Dark Avengers.  He kills things, he questions his sanity, he kills his father, the end. Nothing wrong with it, nothing stand out about it either.  Tom Raney’s okay, and that’s about it. Thoroughly middle of the pack, and there’s nothing inducing me to keep it.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Didn’t suck

New Avengers: The Reunion 1-4
I love the pairing of Hawkeye and Mockingbird, but somewhere through the second issue, I wondered if this story would read any differently if you swapped them out for Green Arrow and Black Canary.  Wise cracking archers, serious martial artists. Deeply in love, not the best at relationships. If it weren’t for the Marvel-specific references, it’s possible.

I love Jo Chen's covers.  

I’m not the biggest fan of Clint in this series.  I get that he never wanted to divorce Bobbi, but he comes across a little too strong for my tastes.  He doesn’t give her any of the space that she asks for, and fails to recognize that the non-Skrull Bobbi truly wanted a divorce.  Though to his credit, Clint has matured a great deal since Bobbi last saw him. And they do make an excellent power couple. Their fight scenes together are great, and I just love their costumes.  (Credit to David Lopez for some solid, clean art.)

I liked this enough back then to keep buying their subsequent team-up comic, which I’ll get to tomorrow.  We’ll see if Hawkeye can back off a little.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Fine

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