Friday, February 2, 2018

Punisher: The Platoon, Astro City, Invincible Iron Man, Jessica Jones, Defenders

New comics day!

Punisher: The Platoon 5
At this point, I’m no longer sure if Preacher or Hitman qualify as Garth Ennis’ magnum opus.  His run on Punisher has got to be in the conversation as well.  After an entertaining but ultimately silly start, his run under the Max imprint took things to an entirely different level.  His supplementary one-shots and mini-series only enhance his epic, and this story is no different.  This issue is nothing more than a war story flashback, but it’s utterly engrossing and I could not ask for more.

Astro City 50
I never thought that Kurt Busiek would revisit one of my favorite comic issues of all time, Astro City ½.  The Nearness of You may very well be the perfect comic story, and I definitely approached this issue with trepidation.  How can Busiek follow up something that beloved?  

So far, I have to say not nearly as well.  While the continuing story of Michael Tenicek isn’t a disappointment, it also doesn’t tug at the heartstrings in the same way.  It’s entirely unfair to ask for the same experience as last time, but I was hoping for something that I didn’t know I needed.  There are a few issues to go in this arc, so I’m still holding out hope.  

Invincible Iron Man 596
Jessica Jones 16
Defenders 9
Three Bendis comics finish up the week.  My cup doth run over.  Ennis, Busiek, and 3x Bendis is as good as I can ask for.  My Marvel subscription list is going to be a lot shorter in a couple of months, as Bendis transitions completely over to DC.

Iron Man has been his weakest title.  Perhaps it will read better as a whole, but it has felt pretty aimless for a while.  No one seems to be doing much, outside of the still snappy and entertaining banter.

Defenders may be the best action comic that I’m currently reading.  David Marquez has a gift for fight scenes, and Bendis gives him plenty of opportunities to shine.  And that cover!

I just noticed Deadpool back there.

I so want this group in a team book.

Finally, Jessica Jones.  Between Bendis’ comics and David Tennant’s portrayal in the show, the Purple Man might the scariest villain in the comic universe.  The sheer helplessness that he induces in those around him, paired with his amoral nature is terrifying.  My critique is that there’s nowhere to go from here.  It reminds me of a scene in Peter David’s Q Squared.  (An awesome Star Trek novel.)  A renegade Q has clearly demonstrated his supremacy, and Picard realizes that there’s simply nothing that he can do.  So he gives up.  

That’s what happens here.  There’s nothing that Jessica can do, she gives up, and the only way she can get out of this is if Killgrave beats himself.  Which is what looks like is going to happen.  Making the situation so hopeless paradoxically robs it of the tension and drama.  I still want to know what happens next, but I don’t predict an ending that doesn’t feel like a cheat.  

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