Saturday, February 3, 2018

Batman, Batman Annual

Batman 9-20, 23-24
Batman Annual 1
Another interlude so that I can read some comics that I’ve recently picked up.

I originally gave this title four issues, based solely on Tom King’s name.  I quit when it didn’t approach the transcendent experience of his Vision work.  Which may not have been fair.  I picked these trades up at a sale, and I’m now ready to pick up more.  It may not be Vision or Mister Miracle, but it’s still darn good comics. It relies a little too much on the “I AM [NOUN]” motif, but it’s almost worth it for when the one person who really matters says it.

Let’s take a moment to pay homage to the master:

And the next best thing, courtesy of HISHE:

The biggest thing that King does in these issues is fan the flames that always existed between Batman and Catwoman into the full-fledged infernos of love.  I’m torn on this decision.  Like the pairing of Superman and Wonder Woman, it’s always felt too obvious to me.  Not to say that I’m not enjoying the execution, but King’s going to be walking that fine line between fan service and strong story/characterization in the coming issues.  

I do love how they call each other “Bat” and “Cat.”  It’s pretty adorbs coming from Batman.

I approve of Kite Man as King’s running gag villain.

Talking about the art for the rest of this.  I do not remember Mikel Janin when I read Grayson.  I’ll need to go back, because his work here is spectacular.  Issue 12 is a thing of beauty.  Batman relentlessly plows his way through the issue, and every page is a wonder to look at, highlighted by this work of art:

There are number of other art callbacks in these issues.  The ones that are intentional:

Miller and Mazzucchelli, natch.

He thinks a lot about people in Arkham.

Same card table?

Others are probably just in my mind:

That boxing pose looked familiar...

The deep shadows, completely blotting out the eyes, here by David Finch...

...are a Tim Bradstreet staple.
Something about the way Batman's clenching his fists, arms tight by his sides... very Tim Sale to me.

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Good

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