Friday, February 16, 2018

Byrne Fantastic Four, Captain America

Captain America 698
Captain America wakes up in seven years in the future, everything’s gone to crap, and only his indomitable spirit is going to carry the day.  It’s fine, but doesn’t stand out in anyway.  It doesn’t feel like something I’ll want to re-read in the future, and this may be the last issue that I buy.  As with the Waid/Samnee Black Widow run, I’m surprised that I’m not getting more out of this.  Is Waid truly past his peak?  Champions is pretty good right now, but I’m now suspecting that it’s way more Ramos than Waid.  

Looking at his bibliography, what are his career highlights?  Flash, Impulse, Kingdom Come.  His Legion run was tons of fun.  His Daredevil was okay.  I don’t remember his FF that well (I’ll be getting to it soon!), but it was probably more fun than great.  So yeah, it’s been a while.  

Fantastic Four 236-237
It’s too late at this point, but I would very much like to know what percentage of comic stories involve alternate realities, fantasies, or dream sequences.  Because I’ve been reading them from the start and they just keep coming.  They’re interesting once in a while, but the rate at which I seem to be bombarded by them is ridiculous.  

But as perfect world scenarios go, this one has a few things working in its favor.  It finally lets Alicia Masters (sight restored in this universe) see what The Thing actually looks like.  Of course, it’s also revealed that she’s always known, which is hardly a surprise.  Nor is the fact that loves him regardless of his physical appearance.  Yet it took 236 issues for them to have this conversation.  But at least that’s out of the way now.

Secondly, it’s got a great reveal of the mastermind:

I was just struck with the notion that most of the FF’s victories are due less to their prowess and more to their opponents’ ineptness.  Starting a tally, we’ll see if this is interesting in any way in a few days.  So today, the FF won because Doom was stupid enough to leave Reed Richards a particle accelerator with which to restore the FF powers.  (By the way, if Reed was able to use it to increase their powers twenty-fold, why can’t he do it when they’re normal size?)  Otherwise, victory had been assured.

In 237, Reed legit solved the mystery of Spinnerette.  Full credit to him.

FF: 1
Enemy stupidity: 1

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Nice

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