Saturday, October 12, 2019

Stylish Vittles

Stylish Vittles 1-3
One of the better first-romance comics that I’ve read.  (I’m struggling to think of another right now, but that doesn’t diminish the statement.  Oh! Blankets by Craig Thompson is phenomenal.)  Tyler Page does a commendable job of capturing the rush of a new romance, walking the reader through each heady step as Tyler (the character) and Nanette lose themselves in each other.

Page gets a little self-indulgent with his splash pages of the cosmos, and his occasional metaphoric superhero interludes, but he’s quite the talented artist.

He does a better job of selling the romance than the relationship - I cared about the storyline more than the couple.  So while I wanted to see how events unfolded, and the authenticity of the emotions came through, I was surprisingly unmoved by their separation at the end of the series.  I processed their heartbreak intellectually as something that sucked, but I couldn’t bring myself to feel sad.  

Other than that, a fine job.  I wish that I liked his followup, Nothing Better, more.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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