Friday, October 18, 2019

Sin City, New Comics

Two new comics this week:
Spider-Man 2
Less interesting this time around, as Ben Parker goes through the standard “learning how to use his spider powers” beats.  It’s done well enough though, maybe I’ll stick around for another month.

Superman: Year One 3
This issue’s a little all over the place.  It’s more three vignettes than a cohesive story, and ends abruptly without any kind of resolution.  But Frank Miller’s narration continues to be wonderfully evocative, and sucks me right in. This may also be John Romita Jr’s finest work, but I suspect that it’s Alex Sinclair’s colors that are largely to credit for the bump.  The splash page below is absolutely glorious. But what really gives it power is the setup on the previous page. It makes the reveal so much more wonderful.  

Sin City: Dame to Kill For 1-8
This is my favorite Sin City story.  It’s got one of the best femme fatales ever, great story, and peak Frank Miller art.  

What a pose.  That musculature is magnificent.

Ah, the days before "Deadly little Miho" got overplayed to death.

God, I loved reading this again.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pure Joy

Sin City: Big Fat Kill 1-5
I’ve always considered this one of the lesser Sin City stories, mostly due to the simplistic plot.  There’s no subtlety to it at all. Not to say that I haven’t always liked it.  But this time around, I enjoyed it even more than I expected. Miller’s was just so good at his best.

A precursor to 300.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Really Good

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