Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sin City

Sin City
This got me in trouble with my mom when I bought it back in high school.  I get where she’s coming from :)

That said, this is an amazing work of art.  Frank Miller pioneers a style that only Jim Lee has come close to pulling off (with Deathblow), and it remains unquestionably his.  It’s a masterful use of black and white, just about every panel can be used as a shining example of the craft. And the rain!

So good.
Terry Moore's take.  Note the copyright in the corner.
Back to Miller.

Love the profile.  Love the shadows and the passage of time.

Lee's spin is awfully nice.

The florid pulp detective novel narration (which really doesn’t work when read out loud, as shown in the movie adaptation) is perfect for this story.  I can’t count the number of times I’ve read this, and it’s a joy each time. It’s just a notch below the Pure Joy rating, though. Not sure what it's missing, because it's damned close.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Really good

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