Sunday, September 29, 2019

Second Coming, New Comics

I am so far behind it’s ridiculous.  I expect it’ll get even worse once the baby show up.  Anyway, let’s see how much I can keep this going.
New comics!
Action Comics 1015
Seeing the continuation of Naomi’s story and her first interactions with the Dynamic Duo enticed me into buying this issue, after an eight month hiatus from this title.  (No regrets on that pause.) Bendis continues to show his remarkable ability to write Superman as an inspirational big brother for ever other hero in the DCU and Batman as Orin from Parks and Recreation.  

I might stick around for another issue, but this initial meeting may be all I really need for now.

Batman/Superman 2
The art by David Marquez may keep this in rotation for a few more months, but Joshua Williamson’s words alternate between pretty decent and a little too on the nose.  

Looks so damn good.

It's true, but I don't think he'd ever say it out loud.

I’m still bored by The Batman Who Laughs, I’m not sure if I’ll last through this story arc.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight 3
Sean Murphy continues to draw a stunning book with another brilliant action scene at the end of the issue.  I’ll pay more attention to the plot when I read this in its entirety.  

Ragnarok: The Breaking of Helheim 2
Good clean Walt Simonson fun.  Reminds me a lot of Stan Sakai’s Usagi Yojimbo.  Though if I think about that, I stopped buying Usagi when I realized that as good as it is, I’ve never needed to re-read it - Each trade is pretty much interchangeable with the next.  Is Ragnarok the same?  Will I ever want to revisit this?  Something to consider when the next issue pops up on the shelves.  

Five Years 4
I think I like the practice of buying the issues of this series that have both Katchoo and Francine in them.  Theirs is the story that I want to follow, not the bigger “quest to stop development of the world-ending bomb” plot.  I’ll flip through this each month. If Francine shows up, I’ll consider it. She’s great in this. (A testament to the strength of Terry Moore’s creations that I’m evaluating the characters as if they’re real people.)

Harleen 1
Sunstone’s Stjepan Sejic tackles the origin story of Harley Quinn.  It’s as stunning and intricate as I hoped it would be. He’s telling the story at a slow, tense pace, ratcheting up the horrors inside Harleen’s mind as her inevitable first interview with Joker draw closer.  It makes the final line on the last page an absolute gutpunch. My heart breaks for Harleen, who has no idea of what’s to come, what that small acquiescence portends.  


Second Coming 1-3
My decision to stop buying this means that it can slot right into Misc Box number five, the one I’m in the middle of reviewing.  Looking back at my reviews of the past two issues, it’s clear that my concerns were borne out.  Reading these issues a second time confirmed my original critiques - A great start that lacked a strong follow up.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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