Sunday, September 8, 2019

Olympians, Superman: Up in the Sky, Doomsday Clock

Superman: Up in the Sky 3
Amazing job by Tom King.  I’m in awe of how many elements he’s able to combine: 

Superman, when his mind is given the opportunity to wander, can’t help but visualize all the ways that Lois can die without him around to swoop in and save the day.  (Which raises all these other concerns about damsels in distress and agency, but Clark’s concern is still sweet.)  

Clark's imagination is...vivid.

Even Superman is subject to the whims of the DMV.  (Or the intergalactic phone calling service he’s stuck at while he waits to talk for just a few seconds with a wife whom he terribly misses.)  His inability to do anything to speed things up is something that every mere mortal can relate to.  

No jury would convict him.

Lois’ obliviousness to Clark’s despair is both understandable and heartbreaking, after everything he went through to make the connection.

And through it all, Andy Kubert does great work illustrating every one of those bits.  A superb short story.

Doomsday Clock 11
It’s been forever since the last issue came out.  The bit with Dr Manhattan’s photo is pretty neat, but the rest of it’s a bit of a mishmash.  Reading it all together will help a lot.

Olympians 1, 2
I’ve loved Greek myths since elementary school.  I would have loved this series. Heck, I love it now.  George O’Connor does an amazing job of telling stories I’ve known forever in new ways.  Obviously, there’s no canonical version of these, so that’s to be expected. But it’s really cool, like reading the Ultimate universe version of Spider-Man after years of the 616 incarnation.  

I’m impressed by O’Connor’s ability to make each issue completely standalone, while still maintaining both a measure of continuity and staying mainly on the titular characters.  (Issue one focuses on Zeus, two on Athena.) It shows a larger vision for his planned twelve issue epic.

The Athena book really blew me away.  O’Connor flexes his superhero drawing muscles, putting out some super sweet pieces of art.

The first Avengers.

More on this series as I read the later trades.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice, Pretty Good for issue two

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