Saturday, September 21, 2019


Sojourn 19-26, 28, 29, 31-34
Sojourn ended abruptly with issue 34 with the closure of Crossgen Studios, but I’m not exactly heartbroken that I won’t see how Arwyn’s quest ends.  Some final observations about this series:

Hey look, it's Catwoman.

Or is it Kitiara from Dragonlance?

Larry Elmore rules.

Jealous Arwyn is stupid, out of character, and completely unnecessary.

The generic damsel in distress romance novel cover shot here is nauseating.  

Since when has Arwyn ever not been able to take care of herself?

 Ian Edginton replaces Ron Marz with issue 25, and I do like the “mutual respect between enemies” bit, but the quality of the story doesn’t measurably improve over the course of his tenure.  

A nice moment between foes.

To be honest with myself, there are still aspects of Greg Land’s art that I just can’t quit.  

But that's the problem with Land's art. It's all posed. Everything feels staged like a magazine photoshoot, there's nothing natural about his characters. I don’t dislike Sojourn.  And I can imagine a time where I’ll want to flip through this again.  It just won’t be for a very very long time.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Fine

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