Monday, September 23, 2019

Spencer and Locke, Spider-Man, Second Coming, Excellence

Remaining new comics for the week!
Excellence 5
I’m out.  It makes me sad to say, since the art by Khary Randolph and concept/story by Brandon Thomas are both well above average.  It’s the story execution that completely fails for me. Thomas makes time jumps and leaps of storytelling logic that do him absolutely no favors.  I actively disliked my reading experience because of them, and I can’t justify buying this anymore, despite how positively I like the other elements of this title.

Second Coming 3
Maybe I’m just having a bad day, but this is probably my last issue of Second Coming as well.  I’m just tired of the third straight issue of the same things: Sunstar is a well-meaning idiot who’s utterly inept in just about everything he does.  Jesus is a sensible chap who’s discovering that society is happy to evoke His name to justify their actions without employing any of His actual teachings of love and tolerance.  God’s a dick.  

After a strong first issue, Mark Russell’s subsequently failed to bring anything new to the table.  (He had the same problems with Wonder Twins.)

Spider-Man 1
JJ Abrams teams up with his son Henry to write this alternate future story.  Sara Pichelli is her usual phenomenal self with some beautiful art. MJ’s dead, Peter’s spirit is crushed, and their high school son is starting to develop powers of his own.  It’s everything I could want out of a first issue, looking forward to more.  

Spencer and Locke 1-4
Spencer and Locke 2 1-4
I bought these completely on the strength of the elevator pitch - Calvin and Hobbes have grown up to become detectives, but with a much darker, fucked up childhood - Dad’s a drug kingpin, Mom was an abusive prostitute, Rosalyn sexually abused him, and now grown up Susie Derkins is lying dead in an alley.  

It’s a commendable effort by David Prepose and artist Jorge Santiago, Jr.  They do a nifty job of folding in tons of references to Bill Watterson’s classic work, and their twists are cleverly integrated into this piece of noir.  I’m glad they gave this a shot, and I’m glad that I gave this a shot as well.    

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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