Monday, September 9, 2019

Olympians, Lois Lane, Batman: Curse of the White Knight

Last of the new comics of the week.  It should be a warning sign that I’ve been less eager to read these comics, letting them sit for so long.  Fortunately, both acquit themselves nicely, showing my reluctance to be unfounded.

Lois Lane 3
It’s still too early for Rucka to reveal what’s going on, but in the meantime, he fills the time with sweet character moments between Lois and Clark and a completely unexpected reunion on the last page.  

Mike Perkins with a lovely take on a classic scene.

Batman: Curse of the White Knight 2
I think I made a huge mistake on this by not waiting for the trade.  The flow is definitely ruined in the monthly format. Still, it’s a stunningly drawn book with some excellent action scenes by Sean Murphy.  The guy’s a legit storyteller.

Olympians 3
This is Hera’s book, but the bulk of it covers the story of Heracles.  Creator George O’Connor goes out of his way to portray Hera at a sympathetic character, particularly with the last story beat.

Yeah, it's gotta suck to be married to Zeus.

Time to do some half-assed internet research (™ Bill Simmons) and see what else O’Connor’s done in his career...Hmm.  Mostly Olympians, a few other graphic novels.  I’m curious to see what he does next, he’s quite good.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Pretty good

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