Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Olympians 4
Hades is on the cover of the book, and the story primarily covers the Abduction of Persephone.  Which, after my trip to Italy last year, will forevermore remind me of this glorious work by Gian Lorenzo Bernini:

I still can't believe that's carved out of marble.

This shot vividly reminded me of the classic Steele Savage illustration from Edith Hamilton’s Mythology:

One of my favorite books as a kid.

I’m a huge fan of George O’Connor’s decision to make Persephone a more active participant in the decision that keeps her in the underworld for six months out of the year - In his story, Persephone never ate the pomegranate:

(It brings up other troubling questions about Stockholm syndrome, but it’s still better than the version I’m familiar with…)

At this point, I’m strongly tempted to buy the trades that I don’t have…

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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