Saturday, July 27, 2019

Girls, Gregory, Gun Fu

Girls 1-24
What a finely executed horror comic by the Luna Brothers.  This reads like a lot like Walking Dead - the titular girls are basically zombies, and the comic is more about the interpersonal dynamics of how a group of people deals with a such an extreme crisis than the actual crisis itself.  I’m completely impressed by their ability to juggle a massive cast, generate distinct personalities for the majority of them, and come up with one unique situation after another.  

Which isn’t to say that the Lunas haven’t created a batshit crazy scenario with the girls, their cannibalistic taste for women, gay men, and eunuchs, and the giant sperm monster that they serve.  It’s absurd and terrifying at the same time, and I zipped through the whole thing in two days.

The ending’s a bit of a letdown, with the climactic action scene not really fitting with the eerie tone that persisted through the majority of the comic.  But it’s not enough to seriously detract from what is a very well done book.   

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Good

I loved this in high school.  Not so much now. The art by Marc Hempel is still enormously appealing, I love his design of the adorable Gregory and the cute little noises he makes. 


Gregory still generates equal parts hilarity and pathos. But this time around, I found the stories to be so much more depressing than I did twenty years ago.  It’s not nearly as fun, and even though I was touched in a lot of places, and still laughed at a lot of the same jokes, I could not wait to get through the trade and move on to something else.  I felt emotionally unclean after reading it, which really surprised me.  

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Fine

Gun Fu 1
Gun Fu: The Lost City 1-3
But at least I’m keeping Gregory in my collection, it’s got artistic strength that I appreciate.  Howard Shum’s Gun Fu just offended me.  Not so much the story, which was...fine, I suppose.  The art and story are solid enough, in an Atomic Robo kind of way.  But Shum’s articles at the end of each issue, where he enumerates his personal lists of hottest female celebrities, really rub me the wrong way.  Actual quote for Hottest Hip-Hop Singer: “As long as Beyonce can control her weight, she’ll rule this category. If she indulges, she could be the next Missy Elliot.  I know I’m not ready for that fat jelly.” For Hottest Pop Singer: “It’s a shame that Britney seems to go for effeminate guys. It’s time she tried out a real man like myself.”  

So gross.  I’m cutting this out of principle alone.

Regret buying? Yes
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Disliked

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