Thursday, July 25, 2019

Cobra, GI Joe, Snake Eyes

Cobra 1-12
GI Joe Season 2 5-12
Snake Eyes 5-12
Cobra Annual 2012
Cobra Files 5-9
That’s it!  I’m done with GI Joe!  A full month of reading across 169 issues and 3 publishers.  The Marvel stuff was a slog, as was the beginning of the Devil’s Due run.  But the World War 3 arc, followed by IDW’s take on the IP, really did an entertaining job.  Mike Costa’s work on Cobra was particularly impressive; I actually picked up the Cobra Files this week when I saw it on sale at my comic shop.  I’m definitely going to keep an eye out for the rest of his run in the bargain bins.  

The Cobra Civil War finishes up, followed by the newly crowned Cobra Commander’s opening salvo.  Basically, anything that isn’t Costa’s work pales in comparison. It’s like mixing Jim Lee’s original WildCATs with Alan Moore’s.  I’d cut them if they weren’t part of a larger storyline....You know what?  Looking through these again, I can totally cut them. Doing it. (Keeping the Cobra Command collection because it’s got 3 issues of Cobra.)

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No (Yes for Cobra)
Would read again? Yes
Rating: Good for Cobra, Boring for the Annual, Fine for everything else.

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