Thursday, February 7, 2019

NYX, Young Justice, Prodigy

New comics!
Prodigy 3
A welcome improvement after last issue.  As I said last time, it’s the character moments that shine, not the plot.  (At this point, all I know about the story is that Crane and Rachel are globehopping Indiana Jones-style in search of...something.)  What attracts me to the comic are the revelations about Professor Crane’s personality - His deep-seeded need to help those in dire straits and his gravitation towards high risk situations.  Mark Millar illustrates both with compelling examples - He talks his way out of being held at gunpoint while dangling over a long fall and gives his assailants an opportunity to run a “post-capitalist micro-society,” then goes swimming with sharks.  (And I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t actually have been able to shoot them underwater.)  

Yeah, not happening IRL.

Still on board, but that plot is seriously underwhelming with a MacGuffin that I can’t remember three issues in.

Young Justice 2
Hrm.  Brian Michael Bendis focuses on Wonder Girl and Gemworld.  I find myself meh on the former and completely bored with the latter.  Jinny Hex has potential, but Tim Drake’s the only hero I really want to see, and he’s in this for two pages.  If the third issue doesn’t look good in the store next month, it’s probably not going to make it home.

NYX 1-5
Joshua Middleton has not done a lot of interior work, which is a shame.  His covers are gorgeous, and I’d love to see more of his art.  I’ll take what I can get with the first four issues of this title.  (I stopped buying after 5, when I realized he was no longer the artist.)  On the downside, Middleton’s predilection for drawing underage girls in uncomfortably sexualized poses continues.

Why in the world is an upskirt necessary here?

First comic appearance of X-23, looking disturbingly like she's twelve.
The quality of the art is the only reason I bought this, because the story by Joe Quesada is a major downer.  Unlike Runaways, where the kids love each other and manage to keep a positive attitude about themselves, these outcasts carry an air of hopelessness wherever they go.  There’s no indication that they’ll ever find a safe haven. This went for another two issues, followed by another miniseries. I’m fine with what I have.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Fine

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