Sunday, February 3, 2019

New Mutants

New Mutants 18-21
For all the focus I had on the X-Titles growing up, I never delved into the back issues of New Mutants.  While I would read about Cannonball, Sunspot, Boom Boom, and Wolfsbane in X-Force and X-Factor, I had very little in seeing what they were like when they first started out.  The little exposure I had to their New Mutant days (the Asgardian Saga, Fall of the Mutants crossover) gave me the impression that they were clueless innocents who rarely got their shit together, and not in an endearing way.  

That assessment remains intact after these four issues.  Claremont writes Sam Guthrie as a try hard hick who can’t seem to do the right things.  Rahne Sinclair is the naive waif, unable to control her emotions and prone to curling up into a figurative fetal position whenever she gets scared.  It’s not fun to read about stupid people, even if they are young.

It’s a good thing that there are plenty of capable people on this team.  Dani and Illyana, in particular, seem to have some idea of what they’re doing.  Not that they always succeed, but their behavior doesn’t read as egregiously ridiculous.  

I bought this trade, of course, for Bill Sienkiewicz’s art.  And it does not disappoint. I’ve already shown one of his amazing New Mutant works in a previous post, here are some other highlights:

This was a stunning way to start the story.  (Of course, in vintage Claremont fashion, it’s all set up for a future storyline that isn’t addressed for the rest of the arc…)

The Demon Bear would be silly in most series, but Sienkiewicz makes it a total force of nature, implacable and intimidating.  A perfect enemy for him to draw.

Love how it takes up the whole panel.

This arc also introduces Warlock for the first time.  Like Penance with Chris Bachalo, Warlock is best when rendered by his creator.

So unlike anything else in the Marvel Universe.

This was totally worth picking up for two dollars.  I don’t need to read anymore of Sienkiewicz’s run on New Mutants, but I’m happy to have this sample from it.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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