Sunday, November 4, 2018

Divine Right

Back after three weeks vacation in Europe.  Went to a ton of museum, with some stunning art.  I’ll be posting some of it here in the coming weeks.  

So let’s return to comics!

Divine Right 1-7
I bought the first issue of this when it came out, and even the Jim Lee art wasn’t enough to keep it around.  I bought the first trade for half off years later, thinking it was good value.

It wasn’t.  The plot revolves around a pointless MacGuffin, it’s written as a poor imitation of Chris Claremont, and Jim Lee’s designs are sadly uninspired.

A rare misfire from the master.

However, there are a few positive exceptions.  Issue seven recounts the history of Max and Susanna’s relationship, and it’s very cute.  Thoroughly improbable, but cute. (What are the odds that either end of this random internet connection would be both so attractive and so decent?)  

And college me absolutely fell in love with Jenny’s debut.  

It’s the only memorable image in a book of depressingly generic 90’s comic art.  (Which truly pains me, since I hate to say anything bad about Jim Lee’s work.)

Still, I’m not in the habit of getting rid of anything drawn by him, so in the collection it stays.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Didn’t suck

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