Wednesday, November 7, 2018

East of West

East of West 1-2
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have returned to Earth, but Death has gone rogue.  The United States has been shattered into seven independent kingdoms. The machinations of the seven leaders of those nations, the three horsemen, and their wayward brother appear to be the focus of this massively epic saga.  I’m interested in practically none of it.

Thinking back on Hickman’s work, I’m struck by how coldly clinical it all is.  Hickman tells us how things happen, but I rarely feel any emotion in his work. It made sense with his early works, when he intentionally told stories in a documentary format.  He hasn’t grown from those days, and the results are disappointing.

Hickman’s failed to make me care about any of the characters that he’s introduced in these first two issues.  That isn’t always a deal breaker, but I don’t care about their objectives either. It’s all so very blah.

His interpretation of Death (along with artist Nick Dragotta), is pretty cool looking, but I can’t help but see an albino Saint of Killers.  Been there, done better before.

Pretty cool.

I’m not surprised that I stopped buying this two issues in.  No regrets on that front.

Regret buying: Yes
Would buy again: No
Would read again: No
Rating: Boring (Cutting)

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