Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Huck 1-6
Huck is a simple gas station attendant with the ability to find anything.  He’s also super strong. He’s tricked into finding his long-lost mother by her previous Russian government captors.  Huck escapes with his mother, they live happily ever after.

It’s a very slight story.  I blew through it in twenty minutes.  It’s still a lot of fun. Huck is very sweet and kind, in a Clark Kent country boy kind of way.  (Rafael Albuquerque even draws Huck a lot like Tim Sale’s Superman.)

His tracker ability is really neat, and Mark Millar finds some nifty applications for Huck’s mom’s psychic abilities as well.  

Perhaps it’s the basic nature of the story that makes it so memorable.  “Oh, it’s the one about the guy who likes to help people.” Good execution by a strong creative team.  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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