Wednesday, November 7, 2018

DV8, Strangers in Paradise, Runaways, West Coast Avengers, Pearl, Cover

Three weeks of new comics to catch up on.  Let’s see how many I can get through today.

Strangers in Paradise XXV 7
Flipping through this just now, I was struck again by just how little happens in this issue.  Counting the pages confirmed it - there are only 18 pages, compared to the usual 22 for most comics.  8 pages for Katchoo to survive her fall and escape. 3 pages for Koo to suspect something’s wrong. 5 pages for Katchoo to head to the airport.  2 for Koo to investigate her suspicions. It all zips by so quickly, I was done before I knew it. The dominance of silent panels contributed to the fast read, but I’m giving it a second look to appreciate Terry Moore’s excellent art.  He really is such a master of the craft. Those last two pages, in particular, are a phenomenal lesson in pacing, mood, and execution. The final panel is flat out chilling.

Runaways 14
David LaFuente draws this issue.  I don’t know if he’s filling in or replacing Kris Anka permanently (I hope it’s the latter).  It’s an odd half issue of main plot, as the kids argue about how to handle the Gibborim progeny.  Alex continues to annoy.

The second half follows Old Lace as she peeks into lives of each member of the team.  This was a bit of a nothing filler issue. A waste of space in an otherwise solid title.

West Coast Avengers 3
I’m not enjoying this as much as I was hoping I would.  I originally thought that it was a little too fantastical, not grounded enough in reality.  But that’s not it, since Kate Bishop’s already gone into space with the Young Avengers, and I really liked that arc.  Then I hypothesized that I prefer Hawkeye in more of a solo setting, but again, Young Avengers tore that idea down.  Maybe it’s just this combination of team members and the specifics of the plot.  I’m not a fan of Gwenpool, Quentin, or Fuse. Giant Tigra bores me, and BRODOK’s stock rapidly plummeted after his hilarious debut panel.  This might not get another issue.

Pearl 3
The story still feels extremely thin, but the dialogue really carries it through to the other side intact.  Bendis hasn’t lost it.

There’s something very Tom King about this one page interlude:

Or maybe Tarantino?

And I love how Michael Gaydos conveys the heavy bass and cacophony of a noisy nightclub.

Cover 2
David Mack flexes so many different artistic muscles here.  And it’s all gorgeous.

Then Bendis fills it with his mesmerizing words.  Delicious.

As with Pearl, the execution is more than enough to cover up any weaknesses in the plot.  

Back to something from the collection:
DV8 1-6
Random thoughts on this:
Humberto Ramos draws some seriously messed up images here, thanks to the seriously messed up mind of Warren Ellis (bless him!).  

Virginia Dentata.  Really.

Threshold's not having a good time.

Then his sister gets involved.

It’s quite similar to Ellis’ run on Thunderbolts - A team of villains/misfits led by a completely amoral psycho goes on violent missions amidst internal strife and bonding.  

Outside of the above scenes though, this isn’t one of Ellis’ stronger efforts.  It isn’t helped by the multiple fill-in artists; Michael Lopez does an okay job, but Juvaun Kirby and Kevin West are a major downgrade from Ramos, and it really does the story no favors.  But it’s different enough that it still merits a Nice rating.
Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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