Saturday, November 25, 2017

Here we go.

My comic book collection totals 11109 issues.  At least that what my database says.  Yes, I keep track of them with a database.  Anyways, I’m going to give this thing a shot after thinking about it for a couple of weeks.  What is this thing?
  1. I’ve been collecting comics since whenever Transformers #8 was on the newstands.  It was the only title I bought.  Then after a hiatus, I started back up for good with Jim Lee’s X-Men #1.  That was in seventh grade, if I remember right.
  2. When I was a kid, my mom collected stamps.  She said that at some point in the future, she would sit down and organize them for reals.  But now, three decades later, I don’t think she’s ever gotten around to it, nor does she have any interest in doing so.
  3. Which made me wonder why I have a room crammed full of comic books.  I’ve had this vague idea of reading my comic library from beginning to end someday when I’ve retired and have the time to enjoy them.  But why wait?  I might lose interest, which would be a shame and a waste.
  4. So let’s start now.  It’ll satisfy several things for me:
    1. (I realize that I possess the writing version of Casey McCall’s conversational anal retentiveness)
    2. I love comics.  Reading them will (or should be) a joy unto itself.
    3. I justify buying things for my collections (dvds, books, Magic cards, etc) by saying that I’ll re-read/watch/use them.  It’s time to see just how true that is with my comics.  I will cull the comics that I don’t enjoy.  Put them in a box and donate them to Goodwill or something.
    4. I’ve been wanting to write something on a regular basis.  This is an appealing way for me to do that.  So, rules:
      1. I’ll start from one bookshelf and work my way through to the end.  
      2. I’ll read at least half an hour a day.
      3. Afterwards, I’ll write about what I’ve read for at least half an hour.  
      4. It’ll just be my thoughts, not necessarily a review or anything.  
    5. Hopefully, those rules are simple and attainable enough.  Eventually I’ll find a place to put these posts.  A blog or something.  [Clearly, this was written in the past.  Look, blog!]  I’m flirting with tweeting to the creators of the books I’m reading, but I’ll worry about that later.

That’s pretty much it.  I’ll start reading tomorrow.  Laters!

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