Sunday, November 26, 2017

Age of Ultron

Age of Ultron 1-10
Superior Spider-Man 6AU
Fantastic Four 5AU
Well, that was way better than yesterday.  Oddly enough, another time travel story.  Ultron destroys the world for 5 issues.  Wolverine goes back in time to kill Hank Pym in a “murder baby Hitler” scenario, then spends the next 5 issues fixing the butterfly effects from that.  Everything turns out fine, except that it sets up the next mega-crossover.  (Whatever the death of the Ultimate universe was called.)  

Very much a summer blockbuster, with the appropriately selected Bryan Hitch drawing the first half of the series.  (Whenever I see him drawing epicness, my brain automatically thinks Mark Millar wrote the issue.  Their Ultimates collaboration was really something special.)  But no, this one was done by Brian Michael Bendis.  And in typical fashion, those first five issues probably could have taken three if he hadn’t deconstructed the crap out of it.  But he manages to make it engaging, and the numerous Hitch splash pages convey the horrible desperation of the situation quite well.  

So much epic.

Brandon Peterson and Carlos Pacheco split the art duties for the second half of the series.  Pacheco is okay here, but doesn’t come close to approaching his excellence in Avengers Forever.  Peterson has really changed his style from the X-Cutioner Song days.  

The story truly falls apart in the third act, when Wolverine and Sue Storm have to alter history for the second time. Warren Ellis did something similar in the fantastic Secret Avengers 20, only he did it in a self-contained single issue story.  With Age of Ultron, it really feels like Bendis realized he only had 2 issues remaining to wrap everything up, and 5 minutes to write them.  Not to mention that he had to spend half of the last issue tying in promos for the next slate of Marvel books.  A let down after what was a pretty fun adventure for our heroes.  

Regret buying?  No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again?  Yes
Rating: Pretty good

The other two issues were the only tie-in issues I apparently bothered to buy before running out of patience.  The stories were boilerplate.  Dexter Soy on Spider-Man had a nice Fist-of-the-North-Star anime vibe.  Andre Araujo had a unique look in his FF issue, using very few black areas.  Mostly lines.

Regret buying?  No
Would buy again? No
Would read again?  Maybe
Rating: Fine

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