Sunday, November 26, 2017

Avengers Forever

Avengers Forever 9-12
Gah.  After issue 8’s issue-long retcon of Immortus’ history, issue 9 spends its entire duration doing the same for Kang.  Don’t caaaaare.

The last three issues cover the final fight to save humanity.  Blah blah fishcakes.  In the span of a week I’ve read 4 similar epic mini-series - 1602, Age of Ultron, JLA/Avengers, and Avengers Forever.  Three involved time travel.  All four involved a massive cast of characters.  Three had waay too much exposition, and the fourth only gets a pass because Bendis did the writing.  What a disappointment; Bendis, Gaiman, and Busiek - three of my favorite writers, and only Bendis came close to living up to the art.  With these guys, it’s usually the penciller that has to keep up.  

Regret buying?  No
Would buy again? Yes
Would read again?  Yes
Rating: Pretty good

So this may seems like a short entry for half an hour of writing.  I’ve started running a separate journal of my daily interactions with my wife, recording the things that I’d like to remember in my old age.  I’m counting that time as well, but you don’t get to read them.  

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