Sunday, November 26, 2017


1602 4-8:
Holy god was that boring.  I dozed off at least 5 times trying to get through the last two issues, and it’ wasn't just because I was sleepy.  I didn’t care about any of the characters, the plot ended up being a “must repair the time stream” deal, and the Watcher was involved, which is never a good sign.  Total snooze fest.

Regret buying?  No
Would buy again? No
Would read again?  No
Rating: Boring

So why don’t I regret buying it?  It’s Neil Gaiman.  It’s hard to regret buying anything that he writes; He deserves my support, if nothing else as retroactive thanks for Sandman.  (Though come to think of it, I do regret buying Norse Mythology.  Man, what a pointless book.)  

Here I’m faced with my first “wouldn’t read again.”  Because I really don’t want to ever go through that experience again.  The pack rat/collector side of me is finding it hard to yank it from my collection.  But why in the world should I keep this waste of space in my house?  Quick ebay search reveals that the issues are worth nothing, so no loss on that front.  

Yeah, I’m pulling it.  I’m hardly going to miss it, especially after this.

Anything else to say about this?  The Andy Kubert art was nice enough.  The Kubert clan art style has usually rated a solid above average in my book (except for Andy’s early X-Men work.  That was pretty shoddy.).  Though I wonder how the comic would have been if the entire thing was done in the woodcut look of the covers (credited to Scott McKowen.  Internet shows that he mostly does covers for books and posters for theatre shows.  Makes sense).

Nice, right?  Give me interior art like this!

Now I’m sitting here with zero interest in writing about 1602 anymore, with
Almost Lover by A Final Frenzy running through my head.  Whoaaa, she played the sister in Fantastic Beasts??  That’s...I need a larger vocabulary.  Not amazing, not cool, not crazy, not shocking...To paraphrase Delirium (in honor of Gaiman, since I haven’t been very complimentary of him today), what’s the word for when you realize that two disparate things in your life are connected in a way you could never have imagined?  It’s like finding out your cousin from New York invited the girl you liked a decade ago in middle school in Taiwan to his sister’s wedding in California.  And you didn’t realize you were in the same room as her until after the event.  Talk about having your mind blown.

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