Sunday, May 2, 2021

Robin: Year One, Last Laugh

Robin: Year One 1-4

This came before Batgirl: Year One, and while it’s not quite as good, the same writing team of Chuck Dixon and Scott Beatty do an excellent job with the Boy Wonder.  They do a nice incorporation of the story from Robin 0, and actually make it a lot more brutal in the retelling.  It’s practically a Jason Todd copy.

The original Robin 0 version.

The bat makes it way worse.

It's just like a crowbar.

Javier Pulido does a great job on art, and it’s hard to avoid comparisons w/ Martin Marcos on BG:Y1.  They have very similar styles (both awesome).

Alfred rules.


In my book, this is right up there with, "Face it, Tiger..."

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Joker: Last Laugh 1-2

On the other hand, how in the world do Dixon and Beatty come up with this absolute piece of crap?  I’ve already cut every tie-in issue I’ve come across, no surprise that the main series sucks just as much.

Regret buying: Yes

Would buy again: No

Would read again: No

Rating: Stupid (Cutting)

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