Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Maus, New comics

New comics, three weeks worth!

Seven Secrets 8

Some super sweet looking action from Daniele Di Nicuolo, but with 14 Keepers and Holders to keep track of, I’m getting a little lost with all the characters.  This’ll read better at once.  

Rorschach 8

I almost never remember what happened last issue, so I’m having a ton of trouble keeping track of the plot.  But Tom King is so adept at making each of these issues stand alone that I’m still having a blast.  

The transition to this page is so creepy.

Shadecraft 2

I’m not nearly as taken with this as I was Skyward.  The plot is still taking its time to develop, and it’s going pretty slowly.  Still, Joe Henderson’s crafted an exciting cliffhanger for the second issue in a row.

Batman: Detective 2

Not bad, but not stand out.  

Die 16

I’m always impressed and grateful when I can enjoy an issue even when I can’t remember the last issue.  (See Rorschach.)  Kieron Gillen does a great job here of immersing me back in the world of DIE, and I’m looking forward to the dungeon crawl that starts next issue.

Black Cat 6

A set up issue as Black Cat looks to reverse the deal Black Fox made last month.  Still fun.

Maus 1-2

For some reason, I had the urge to read this during my midnight snacking last night.  There’s not much for me to say.  It’s Maus.  I’ve read this many, many times now, and it’s always great.  The subject matter is the only thing keeping this from the highest rating.  It’s hard to say that a story about the Holocaust brings me Pure Joy.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Really good

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