Saturday, August 29, 2020


Nightwing 46-52, 54-59

Nightwing 80-Page Giant

Action Comics 771

Nightwing: The Target

Mostly Greg Land on art, all Chuck Dixon on writing.  Dixon continues to do a nice job of mixing short arcs with long-running threads that have continued from the very beginning of the series.  The result is a title that continues to entertain, but never exceeds those modest expectations either.  That said, sometimes all I want is comfort food like this.  I never got bored, always had fun.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

Nightwing 60-64, 67, 70, 71

But once Land leaves and Trevor McCarthy takes over, things go to shit.  I’m not a fan of McCarthy’s cartoony, ugly art style, and Dixon’s stories are barely enough for me to keep most of the issues.  (Might as well finish out his seventy issue run.)  I’m cutting the Last Laugh tie-ins and the first issue of Devin Grayson’s tenure.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes (Except for the cut issues)

Rating: Ranges from Fine to Didn’t Suck to Boring.  (Cutting 62, 63, 71)

Nightwing 101-106

Dixon and Scott McDaniel return to the title they started to tell the story of Nightwing: Year One.  It’s as good as the rest of their run, and a nice capper to my Nightwing collection.

Dick’s subway-top conversation w/ Jason Todd harkens back to a similar talk with Tim Drake back in issue 25.  (Also illustrating how Tim rules and Jason sucks.)

More awesome Batgirl action poses:

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Nice

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