Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Batman Universe, Lonely Place of Dying, New comics

New comic!

Black Widow 6

Setting up the next story arc, Natasha fights a building full of bad guys to save a young pickpocket with a presumable heart of gold.  A bit of a letdown after the emotional wringer of the first arc, but not bad.

Batman Universe 1-6

Read my original reviews of these issues here.  All the bits that I liked the second time around match the ones from the first time around.  (It’s not like it was that long ago.)

Additionally, this Batman is way too deferential and polite for my tastes.  Sure, it’s smart to be diplomatic in certain situations, but I can’t think of any other time where I’d use that characterization with the Dark Knight.  

The randomness of the story jumped out even more on the re-read.  It’s a hodgepodge of stories with a wtf wrapper.  (White Lantern?  Really?)  It’s the little moments that make this work, and it’s a good thing Brian Michael Bendis is so skilled that it.  

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: Yes

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Pretty good

Batman 440-442

New Titans 60-61

A Lonely Place of Dying.  The introduction of Tim Drake, the best Robin.  This arc definitely rates as Major Feels; I didn’t really enjoy my time reading it.  The execution by Marv Wolfman isn’t that successful, with a Two-Face plot that drags out far longer than it needed to.  The dialogue is clunky in that 80’s kind of way.

But for all that, the bones of the story are strong: Tim Drake discovers Batman’s identity and realizes that Batman needs a Robin to keep him grounded.  When Nightwing refuses to regress, Tim’s forced to take up the mantle.  

With a clear mind, I’d rate this no better than Fine, but my memories of my first time reading this are too fond to leave it at that.

Regret buying: No

Would buy again: No

Would read again: Yes

Rating: Major feels

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