Saturday, November 30, 2019

Star Wars

Star Wars 1-12
A sad realization I made as I was reading these over again: As much as I love Star Wars, and as beloved as Luke, Leia, and Han are to me, I don’t really find them interesting enough to want more of their adventures outside of the films.  Whether it’s because they’re actually not that interesting (unlikely) or Jason Aaron’s not a good writer (untrue) or so much of their personality is baked into the actors who portrayed them (probably the reason), I couldn’t bring myself to care too much about what happens in these twelve issues.  

This is in stark contrast to my constant enthrallment with the machinations of Darth Vader over in his title (As reviewed in the previous entry).  Sure, villains are usually more interesting, but I didn’t expect such a huge engagement discrepancy. I’m not surprised that past me stopped buying this after the Vader Down arc, and kept going with Darth Vader.

The art by John Cassiday in the first arc and Stuart Immonen in the second boosts the final rating of this series up a notch.  Highlights:

Cassaday isn't known for his humor, but he's got his moments.

Love the victorious Jawa pose.

So does Cassaday, apparently

Immonen does the best Leia expressions.

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: No
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice

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