Monday, November 4, 2019

Star Wars: Republic

Star Wars: Republic 49-59
Star Wars: Jedi - Mace Windu, Shaak Ti
The beginning of a long series of Dark Horse comics covering the Clone Wars between Episodes 2 and 3.  John Ostrander does a lot of the scripting, but the standout here is a story arc by Haden Blackman and Brian Ching: The Last Stand of Jabiim.  Anakin and Obi-Wan are part of a prolonged battle on a rain-soaked planet that slowly whittles away their numbers. Eventually, all the Jedi Masters, including Obi-Wan, fall, leaving a handful of struggling, desperate padawans in charge.  The slog, exhaustion, and hopelessness is effectively magnified by the repetition of the number of days they’ve been in combat, which culminates in the death of everyone who isn’t Anakin. It’s remarkably well told and wonderfully illustrated by Ching.

As for the rest of the issues, it’s so fun to see Jedi with only a few seconds of screen time in the movies get completely fleshed out in the comics.  Standouts include Quinlan Vos (he’ll be showing up a lot more in future issues) and A’Sharad Hett, Tusken Jedi (who will go on to do many, many more things as well).  

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Good for issues 55-58.  Nice for the rest.

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