Friday, November 15, 2019

Star Wars: Dark Empire, Our Wonderful Days

Our Wonderful Days Vol 1
I was in the mood for a sweet romance, and that’s what this is.  A little slice of life comic about four high school girls and their friendship.  There’s the standard “two of them are clearly in love with each other, when will they do something about it?” delay, but the journey’s cute enough that it’s not too frustrating.  I’m unlikely to get more (this is a three volume series), but this was a fun diversion from all the Star Wars :)

Star Wars: Dark Empire 1-6
Star Wars: Dark Empire II 1-6
This series is such a departure from what I think of as Star Wars, but it still fits into the universe so well.  Tom Veitch writes a story with such big ideas at such an early stage of the Extended Universe - the return of the Emperor and Boba Fett, Luke turning to the Dark Side, the Galaxy Gun, World Devastators.  It’s impressive in its scope, but the wordiness of his style detracts from the flow.

At the same time, Cam Kennedy brings an art style that is unlike anything else that I’ve seen.  There’s an ugliness to it that’s still visually compelling in an appealing way. Kennedy also loves to color each panel with shades of the same hue, creating a washed out effect that continuously feels off to me.  And yet I wouldn’t want it any other way.  It baffles me.




Ooh, reds and blues!  (Love Luke's power pose.)

Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes (No for DE II)
Would read again: Yes
Rating: Nice (Fine for DE II)

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