Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Star Wars: Republic, Star Wars: Purge, Star Wars: Dark Times

Star Wars: Republic 79-83
Star Wars: Purge
Star Wars: Dark Times 1-5
Quinlan Vos gets his happy ending for reals, and the story shifts to Jedi Dass Jennir.  He’s far less interesting, and Dark Times isn’t staying in my collection.  The art by Douglas Wheatley is nice, though.  He’s got the same “colors on top of non-inked pencils” look that Brian Ching did before him on this title.  (Even though it’s inked. If that makes any sense.)



Regret buying: No
Would buy again: Yes (No for Dark Times)
Would read again: Yes (No for Dark Times)
Rating: Nice (Didn’t suck for Dark Times, cutting)

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