Sunday, June 30, 2019

GI Joe

GI Joe 29-52
More thoughts as I plow through these issues.

Well, now we know where all of Cobra’s money is coming from:

More of Larry Hama’s sight gags:

Hama also has a disturbing tendency to kill animals in this title:

Hama completely devotes issue 34 to a dogfight between Ace and Wild Weasel.  It’s surprisingly engaging, and one of the standouts from this title. I especially like the show of respect between the duellists at the end of the engagement.  Old school class.    

This is around where Rod Whigham becomes the regular artist, and where the art starts hitting a consistent level of quality.  He’s the guy I think of when I remember the look and style of this comic. This is the GI Joe of my childhood.  

There’s a similarly exciting chase scene in issue 51:

There are a bunch of issues that have really nice covers.  Not sure if I like them at face value, or if it’s due to nostalgia.  Either way, here they are:

Visored Snake Eyes is the best looking Snake Eyes.

Ohhh, the covers are mostly done by Mike Zeck!  No wonder they look so nice.  

In issue 41, Cobra literally raises an island from the ocean floor to create a new sovereign nation.  Props for creativity there.

Can’t really fault Mindbender for not seeing this one coming…

No one expects scorpions.

Overdoing a little there with the lightning: 

Hama might as well have had him say, "Mwahaha!"

A rare funny from Cobra Commander:

The invasion of Springfield give Hama the opportunity to use every Joe at his disposal.  Pretty neat to see them all on two pages:

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Fine

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