Saturday, June 15, 2019

Avengers Prime

Avengers Prime 1-5
Another trip means I packed the next Brian Michael Bendis Avengers trade in my to-read pile.  

Avengers Prime starts moments after the end of the Siege event.  Norman Osborn and his Dark Avengers have just been defeated and the Big Three Avengers are standing amidst the wreckage of Asgard on Earth.  Cap and Tony clearly still have major issues with each other following the aftermath of Civil War, and Thor’s fed up with the both of them.

Obviously, the best way to mend these fences is to whisk the lot of them off to a mashup of the Nine Realms and force them to bond in a fantasy D&D adventure!  Laugh as Tony bumbles around giants in a depowered Iron Man suit that’s now just literally a suit of armor! Watch Steve Rogers fight a tavern full of dark elves, gather the standard fighter gear of chain mail, shield, bow and arrow, and sword, and find romance with the local healer!  See Thor fight against the Enchantress and Hela for standard fate of the world reasons!

Fine art by Alan Davis, but that's about it.

It’s all very generic.  Shared trials and time spent talking around the campfire reforge the camaraderie between these old friends, they get poofed back to Earth, and everything is hunky dory and all set up for the new Avengers title to follow.  It’s way too hokey and pat, I don’t buy it for a second.  A total whiff by Bendis.

A rare dialog fail by Bendis. These three would not have this conversation.

Seriously? You fix it all with a "Hug it out, bitch"??

Regret buying? No
Would buy again? No
Would read again? No
Rating: Didn’t suck

After all the MCU movies, it’s weird to see white Heimdall.

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